We are very excited to reveal a very special logo to mark this 40th Anniversary milestone!

This logo is designed by artist Jini Yoshimoto, who won our logo design contest among more than 120 entries.  Jini is a professional design artist whose work includes logos, web design, brochure, invitations, among others.

You can learn more about Jini's work on her website

The Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival (CCBF, CupertinoCBF.org) is a beloved, award-winning community festival. On April 27th and 28th, 2024, CCBF is celebrating its 40th year.  The Cupertino Toyokawa Sister Cities, Inc. (CTSC), the festival organizer, is conducting this contest to find an artist to design the 40th-anniversary logo.  The winning logo will be used to promote and highlight the festival’s long history and this year's special milestone. 

Who can enter the contest?  This contest is open to artists everywhere of all ages.

Desired artistic elements include but not limited to the following:

Artists are encouraged to get familiar with our organization and the  festival online:

Facebook Page - Cupertino Toyokawa Sister Cities and Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival

Websites: CupertinoToyokawa.org  and CupertinoCBF.org

Youtube Channel: Cupertino Toyokawa Sister Cities Channel

How to Submit?

Please submit your artwork through the 

Each artist can upload up to 5 logos. Please submit by the end of Monday, February 29th, 2024. No late entries will be considered.

Deadline has been extended to March 7th, 2024. 

The Contest is closed and we have awarded a winner.

Email ctscwebmaster@cupertinotoyokawa.org if you have any questions.